To open a reverse tunnel between a remote site and the Federation™ host, you must first
create a reverse tunnel for the remote site on the Federation host.
In Genetec™ Configuration desktop, sign in to the Federation host system.
Open the System task and click Roles
> Reverse Tunnel Server
> Properties.
At the bottom of the page, click Add an item ().
In the Name field, enter a unique name to identify the remote
site you want to federate and click Add.
A reverse tunnel is created with the status Not registered.
Click Apply.
By default, all reverse tunnels have encryption enabled. Video is encrypted while in
transit from the remote site to the Federation host.
Important: Fusion stream encrypted video cannot be played back in Genetec™
Operation web and mobile.
Get the keyfile by doing one of the following:
If your workstation can access the remote site, click Copy keyfile to
clipboard ().
If your workstation cannot access the remote site, click Save keyfile
to disk (), and specify the file location.
A file named
<SiteName>.keyfile is saved to the folder that you