Deploying Security Center Federation using reverse tunneling

2024-04-10Last updated

To deploy Security Center Federation™ using reverse tunneling, you must first create a reverse tunnel on the Federation host for each remote site. After creating the reverse tunnel, open it from the remote site before you federate it.

Before you begin

Prepare the following:
  • Names of remote sites to federate and the version of Security Center they are running.
  • Credentials to sign in to the remote systems as the following Security Center users:
  • An external storage device to save the tunnel keyfiles created for the remote systems.
  • The system that hosts the Reverse Tunnel Server role must be reachable from remote sites that can use DNS to resolve the server hostname.

What you should know

If possible, use a workstation that can access the Federation host and remote sites.


  1. Create reverse tunnels for each remote site on the Federation host.
  2. Open the reverse tunnel between remote sites and the Federation host.
  3. Connect the Federation host to remote sites through the reverse tunnel.