Modifying sites

2024-06-25Last updated

After you add your sites, you can modify the settings of each site individually. An account administrator or site owner can modify the site owners, site properties, and change visitor management options for the site.

Before you begin

Create your sites.

What you should know

To modify sites in Genetec ClearID™, you must be an account administrator or site owner.
  • A site is associated with a Security Center SaaS access control system.
  • Multiple sites can be associated with the same Security Center SaaS access control system.


  1. Click Organization > Sites .
  2. Search for a site using the search field or select a site from the Site list.
    Site page in ClearID showing general site information and notifications settings.
  3. In the General section, modify the fields as required.
  4. In the Notifications section, modify the fields as required.
  5. Click Save.
Your site settings have been changed.