Viewing One Identity Synchronization Tool logs

2024-09-03Last updated

You can use the Genetec ClearID™ One Identity Synchronization Tool logs to check the status of the configuration tool, the windows service, or review synchronization activities.

Before you begin

What you should know

Logs are subdivided into three separate folders as follows:
Logs related to the Genetec ClearID One Identity Synchronization Tool (OneIdentityConfigurationTool.exe).
Logs related to the Genetec.ClearID.OneIdentity.SynchronizationService (OneIdentityService.exe).
Logs related to synchronization summaries.


  1. Click Three vertical white dots. then click Open logs folder.
    Windows explorer showing the One Identity logs location with all the Logs folders selected.
  2. Review the ConfigurationTool logs if you’re having connectivity issues. For example, if the synchronization tool is unable to connect to Genetec ClearID™ or unable to connect to Azure AD (Microsoft Entra ID).
  3. Review the Service logs if you’re having data synchronization issues. For example, missing data fields, missing name fields, or missing email addresses.
  4. Review the Summary logs to see a summary of synchronization activities. For example, when a synchronization started or ended and what occurred during the synchronization.
    1. Read the Recap.txt file for a quick synchronization overview.
    Note: The summary log files are CSV-formatted files to facilitate sorting information in Microsoft Excel if required. They are automatically generated at the end of the synchronization.
    • If the synchronization completely fails, the summary log files aren’t generated.
    • If there’s nothing to import, the summary log files aren’t created.