Adding a companies watchlist entry

2024-06-18Last updated

Add one or more companies watchlist entries so that you can screen visitors at a company level and automatically perform block or notify actions at a site or global level as specified in the watchlist configuration.

Before you begin

Add your watchlists.

What you should know

Only a watchlist manager can:
  • Add companies watchlist entries.
  • View reasons why visitors are in notify or block watchlists.


  1. Click Organization > Watchlists .
  2. Select a watchlist from the list.
  3. Click Add entry.
  4. At the top of the watchlist entry click the Enabled slider to enable or disable the watchlist entry.
  5. In the Watchlist entry criteria section, complete the fields:
    Company name
    Enter a company name.
    Company aliases
    Add any known company aliases and press enter. Repeat as required.
    Note: Aliases are shown in brackets in the watchlist entries list.
    Company domains
    Add any known company domains and press enter. Repeat as required.
  6. In the Additional information section, complete any additional fields that you require:
    Enter a reason for the block or notify.
    Note: The Reason field can contain sensitive private information, and can only be viewed by the watchlist manager for the site.
    External reference ID
    Enter an external reference ID.
  7. If you have Watchlist entry permissions activated for your account, in the Permissions section, add the sites that you require.
  8. Click Save.


Watch this video to learn more. Click the Captions icon (CC) to turn on video captions in one of the available languages.

After you finish

Test your watchlist entries.