Adding site owners

2024-06-25Last updated

In Genetec ClearID™, a site owner is an identity that has authority over areas associated with a specific site. Before you can assign or modify area owners, configure specific area settings that are exclusive to site owners, or manage site access reviews you must add your site owners.

Before you begin

Create your sites.

What you should know

To add site owners in ClearID, you must be an account administrator.


  1. Click Organization > Sites .
  2. Select your site and click Permissions.
  3. Click Add identity to add site owners to the site Permissions list.
    Site permissions page in ClearID showing identity and owner information.
    1. Search for or select the identities that you require and click Add.
      Tip: Click the identity hyperlink in the Identity column to review identity details (company, department, home site, supervisor, and email) and to verify that you have the correct identities in the list.
  4. Select or clear the checkboxes next to the identities to assign the permissions that you require.

  5. (Optional) Click to remove all permissions from an identity when they are no longer required.
  6. Click Save.