Adding users

2024-08-01Last updated

Before you can manage devices and users in Genetec™ Configuration, you must first add users in Security Center SaaS. Different roles can also be added to the users to grant different system privileges.

What you should know

Security Center SaaS supports third-party authentication through Microsoft Entra ID or by using the OpenID Connect protocol. For help with integrating your identity provider with Security Center SaaS, contact the Genetec™ Technical Assistance Center (GTAC).


  1. In Genetec Configuration web, select Users from the left sidebar, and click Add user.
  2. In the Add user dialog, enter the required information.
  3. Select one or more roles for the user:
    In Security Center SaaS, we provide some default roles to get you started.
    Tip: If you need different roles or more granular controls, use Genetec Configuration desktop to configure users or roles as needed.
    This role is designed for system owners. It grants user management privileges and the ability to accept terms and conditions. Only an Owner can grant or remove this role.
    This role is designed for system administrators. It provides full access to both Genetec Configuration and Genetec™ Operation.
    This role is designed for security operators who monitor real-time events within the system. It provides access to Genetec Operation.
    Add user dialog in Genetec Configuration.
  4. (Optional) Send an activation email to the user immediately by selecting Send an activation link to the user.
    Tip: You can create all your users first and send activation emails later.
  5. Click Add user.
    The user is created.

    If an activation link was sent immediately, the new user receives a notification email inviting them to complete their registration, accept terms of use, and sign in to the system.

After you finish

If required, send an activation email to pending users:
  • Filter the Users page for Status:Pending.
  • Select a user.
  • In the side pane, click Send invitation.