QR codes as a credential for visitors

2024-07-30Last updated

Genetec ClearID™ can use QR codes as a credential for visitors to simplify access to parking entrance barriers, turnstiles, or gated facilities.

QR code solutions including Qscan barcode reader, STid QR code readers, and turnstiles with a QR code reader solution.
The following third-party vendor QR code solutions are currently supported:
  • Qscan barcode readers
  • STid QR code readers
Visitors can use a QR code as a credential to open parking entrance barriers, turnstiles, or gated facilities:
  • The QR code contained in a visitor confirmation email can be presented using a mobile device.
  • The visitor confirmation email can also be printed and used for check-in.
  • SMS messages notify hosts when their visitors arrive (if the check-in notification function is enabled).