Customizing the Self-Service Kiosk visitor badge logo

2024-06-20Last updated

You can customize the visitor badge logo image that is used on temporary badges or visitor badges printed by the kiosk.

Before you begin

Configuring the Self-Service Kiosk iPad
Tip: Ensure that your badge logo images meet the requirements described in the tooltip on the Images page of the Genetec ClearID™ web portal.

What you should know

Only a site owner or account administrator can customize the visitor badge logo.
  • Customized Kiosk options changes are synchronized with your kiosk every 60 seconds.
Best Practice: For optimum results, use transparent .PNG images when customizing your visitor badge logo.


  1. In the ClearID web portal, click Organization > Sites .
  2. Search for and select a site.
  3. Click Images.
    A site page in ClearID showing the Images tab customization options.
    1. In the Kiosk badge logo section, drag and drop your picture or browse to select a Kiosk badge logo.
      This image is used as the logo on temporary badges printed by the kiosk.
    2. Click Save.
      The following example shows a custom badge logo for the kiosk.
      Visitor badge examples printed from the ClearID Self-Service Kiosk.