Self-Service Kiosk check-in

2024-06-19Last updated

Use this information to help you understand how visitors check in at a Genetec ClearID™ Self-Service Kiosk.

Watch this video to learn more. Click the Captions icon (CC) to turn on video captions in one of the available languages.

Note: Visitors can check in up to 1 hour before a visit event.

Scenario 1: Kiosk check-in (paper badge)

Visitors can easily check in at a ClearID Self-Service Kiosk. Using their emailed QR code, visitors scan the code, take a picture, and print a visitor badge that identifies the visitor and the event they are attending.

Scenario 2: Kiosk check-in (cardholder credential)

Using Security Center SaaS, a receptionist can assign a credential to Genetec ClearID™ visitors. The visitor can then use their card to access specified areas in the building when accompanied by their host.

Self-service check-in

The self-service check-in is intended for visitors who have been invited or pre-registered.
Welcome page in the Genetec ClearID Self-Service Kiosk showing 3 check-in options.
You can use the ClearID Self-Service Kiosk to check in yourself using QR code, ID, or email up to 1 hour before a visit event:
  • If duplicate names are found, you can select your unique email from the list.
  • If you scan a QR code that isn’t found, the Self-Service Kiosk switches to looking for visitor by email.
  • If an ID or email isn’t found the Self-Service Kiosk switches to the self-registration process.
Note: The check-in choices displayed on the Kiosk Welcome page can be customized to hide options that aren’t relevant to your site or your visitor experience.
For more information, see the Kiosks tab section in Enabling visitor management for sites.