Generating a forensic report

2024-04-19Last updated

To search for video related to a specific person or vehicle, you can use the Forensic report in Genetec™ Operation web.

What you should know

  • To generate a Forensic search report, your Security Center SaaS system must include cameras that can record video analytics events. For a list of supported cameras and the video analytics functionality they support, see the Supported Device List.
  • Forensic results are not included when you create an Anything report.
  • Applying privacy protection to the thumbnails in the Forensic report is not supported.
  • Privacy protection for videos can only be applied at the system level and only by a system administrator.


  1. From the vertical navigation bar, click Reports.
  2. Click What and select Forensic.
  3. Select your report filters:
    Filter by time range or specific date.
    Filter by configured areas or specific entities.
    Object type
    Filter by person or vehicle. Select Any to filter by person and vehicle.
  4. If you select Any or Person as your object type, use the Clothing filter to identify the person's clothing color.
    Top color
    The color of the person's shirt or jacket.
    Bottom color
    The color of the person's pants.
    Note: You can select multiple clothing colors.
  5. If you select Any or Vehicle as your object type, use the following filters to identify the vehicle:
    Vehicle type
    Filter by vehicle type.
    Vehicle color
    Filter by vehicle color.
    Note: You can select multiple vehicle types and colors.
  6. Click Generate.
    Video thumbnails are displayed.
  7. Click a thumbnail.
    A details pane opens, displaying details about the video and a video tile. The green sections of the video timeline indicate the occurrence of motion events.

  8. (Optional) To download the video, click Show more () in the video tile and select Download ().