Access control task process overview

2024-04-05Last updated

Using the Access control task in Genetec™ Operation web, you can manage cardholders, visitors, cardholder groups, credentials, and access rules.

The following table lists the tasks required to interact with entities in the Access control task.
Task More information
Select an entity type to manage. Choose from the following:
  • Cardholders and visitors
  • Credentials
  • Groups
  • Access rules
Choose a view. On the Cardholders and visitors page, you can choose one of the following:
List view
The default view showing a list of cardholders and visitors with their associated information displayed in columns.
Card view
Displays cardholders and visitors by their card pictures.
Select columns.
  • Some columns are hidden by default.
  • To select the columns you want to display, click Show more () then Select columns.
  • Column selections are not saved after leaving the page.
Select filters.
  • Filter the cardholders by name, status, group, activation date, expiration date, or mobile phone number.
  • Filter selections are not saved after leaving the page.
  • To refresh the cardholder list, click Show more () then Refresh.
Note: Filters are applied automatically upon selection.
Manage your entities.