Tiles task process overview

2024-04-05Last updated

Monitor and interact with entities using the Tiles task in Genetec™ Operation web.

The following table lists the tasks required to monitor and interact with entities.
Task More information
Select a tile pattern. Click Change tile pattern () and select a tile pattern.
Monitor your entities.
Add bookmarks when notable activities occur in a video feed. Bookmarks help with locating sequences later.
  • While you are monitoring a video feed, click the bookmark button ().
  • To view your bookmarks, you must generate a report. For more information, see Reports task process overview.
Create a playback loop in the video timeline.
  • While you are monitoring a video feed, hover over the timeline, then right-click and drag your mouse to create a playback loop of the selected time frame.
  • To remove the loop, right-click the timeline again.
Create stand-alone video files that you can export and play outside of Security Center SaaS.
  • While you are monitoring a video feed, click Show more () > Download ().
  • When you export from a tile, the export range is taken from the configured playback loop, or the last five minutes of video if no loop is set.
  • You can export video in the following formats:
    • G64
    • G64x
    • MP4 (default format)
    • ASF
    Note: You need the Single user video export privilege, or authorization from a user with the Export video privilege.