Monitoring cameras in a map

2024-04-05Last updated

Using the Maps task of Genetec™ Operation web, you can monitor camera states, live and recorded video, and their associated events.

What you should know

In the Maps task, you can:
  • View the state of a camera (offline, online, warning state, maintenance mode).
  • View live or playback video.
  • View camera events.
  • Control cameras and associated entity commands.


  1. From the vertical navigation bar, click Maps.
  2. Click the Select map list and select your desired map.
  3. Search for a specific camera using the search bar in the task, or navigate to a camera marker () in your map view.
  4. To view associated video, hover over the camera marker.
  5. Click the camera marker to display video, entity controls, and events in a side panel.
    Note: To enlarge the video displayed in the side panel, click the Maximize video () button.