Adding i-PRO direct-to-cloud cameras

2025-02-07Last updated

Before you can view, record, and upload video to Cloud Storage, you must add your i-PRO direct-to-cloud (D2C) cameras in Security Center SaaS.

Before you begin


  1. Using a web browser, connect to the camera and sign in.
  2. Ensure that the camera is set to the correct time:
    1. From the Live page, click Setup > Detailed setting > Camera detailed setting .
    2. In the Setup menu, click Basic
    3. Under Time & date, select Set PC time to the camera or configure NTP, and click Set.
      The Time & date configuration on an i-PRO camera with Set PC time to the camera and NTP settings highlighted.
  3. In the Setup menu, click Ext. software.
  4. On the Software mng. page, click Uninstall to remove one or more pre-installed extension packages if required.
    Note: The camera might prevent you from installing more packages until the existing packages are removed.
    The Software mng. page on an i-PRO camera with the maximum number of extensions installed, showing Uninstall buttons for each.
  5. Install the "D2C for Genetec Security Center SaaS" extension package:
    1. Click Choose file, select the package .ext file, and click Open.
      The Software mng. page on an i-PRO camera, showing the Choose File button.
    2. Select Install new Ext. software, click Execute, and click OK.
      The Software mng. page on an i-PRO camera, showing the Execute button.
    The "D2C for Genetec Security Center SaaS" extension package is installed.
  6. Under D2C for Genetec Security Center SaaS, click Setup >>.
    The Software mng. page on an i-PRO camera, showing the Setup >> button.
  7. In the SC SaaS enrollment information window, take note of the serial number and client secret.
  8. If required, click Go to Security Center SaaS and sign in.
  9. From the Devices page in Genetec™ Configuration web, click Add device.
  10. If required, click Use device information.
  11. In the Add device dialog box, click Serial number and enter the required information:
    Enter a descriptive name for the device.
    Select i-PRO.
    Serial number
    Enter the Serial number from the camera.
    Enter the Client secret from the camera.
    Add device fields in Genetec Configuration, showing the required information for i-PRO.
  12. Click Continue and click Finish.
    The camera connects to Security Center SaaS and becomes available after a few seconds.

After you finish

  • To configure basic camera settings, select the device and click the Settings tab in the side pane.
  • If you need to change camera settings that aren’t available in Genetec Configuration, sign in to the device.