Setting up visitor management

2024-08-05Last updated

Setting up visitor management in Genetec ClearID™ involves learning some concepts, planning your sites and areas, and configuring options that are relevant for your organization.

  1. Learn about key concepts:
  2. Review the ClearID requirements:
  3. Sign in to ClearID.
  4. Grant access to the web portal.
  5. Configure and manage your sites:
    1. Learn about sites.
    2. Create your sites.
    3. Add site owners.
    4. Enable visitor management for sites.
    5. View sites where a user can invite visitors.
    6. Set a maximum duration for site access.
    7. Customize your sites email banner.
  6. Configure and manage your areas:
    1. Learn about areas.
    2. Create your areas.
    3. Add doors to areas.
    4. Enable visitor management for areas.
    5. Learn about nested areas.
    6. Grant access to areas automatically.
  7. Manage your visitors:
    1. Invite visitors for a site visit or event.
    2. Review visit events.
    3. Copy a visit event.
  8. Set up QR code as a credential for visitors:

    If required, customers can use a QR code as a credential for visitors to simplify access to doors, parking entrance barriers, turnstiles, or gated facilities.

    1. Learn about QR codes as a credential for visitors.
    2. Import the custom card format.
    3. Enable QR code credentials for visitors.
    4. Configure your Qscan devices for ClearID.
    5. Configure your STid devices for ClearID.
  9. Screen and manage visiting individuals or companies of interest using watchlists:
    1. Learn about watchlists.
    2. Add your watchlist managers.
    3. Add your watchlists.
      Tip: To accelerate your watchlist configuration and setup, you can import your watchlist entries from a .CSV file.
    4. Screen your visitors manually.
    5. Unblock visitors blocked by a watchlist.
  10. Manage and configure the Genetec ClearID™ Self-Service Kiosk:
    1. Learn about the ClearID Self-Service Kiosk.
    2. Learn about Self-Service Kiosk options.
    3. Learn about Identity document types.
    4. Configure the Self-Service Kiosk iPad.
    5. Configure the Self-Service Kiosk label printer (Brother QL-820NWBc, QL-820NWB, or QL-810W).
    6. Configure the Self-Service Kiosk label printer (Brother TD-4550DNWB).
    7. Select a Self-Service Kiosk label printer.
    8. Print a test badge from the Self-Service Kiosk.
    9. Resetting the Self-Service Kiosk mobile app.
  11. (Optional) Troubleshooting information.